Monday, February 25, 2008

Farmyard Politics

Pecking orders are endemic in farmyards. In BlogShares, some players have amassed huge wealth and/or have been playing for years, with a considerable time and effort invested in acquiring every artefact and ideas from every industry to reach the loftier echelons of the composite rankings.

BlogShares is an organic game, always evolving, with more blogs, artefacts and industries continually being added as pursuit targets. Thus it is devastatingly addictive - one never quite reaches the end.

There are other ways to enjoy the game too - these include inventing new artefact descriptions, finding new blogs and rare industries, player missions, social networking via irc, twitter and player blogs, engaging in corporate share raids and other strategic play, and most of all, enjoying and sharing with other bloggers and blog afficionados the most comprehensive and up to date collection of contemporary writing, photos and other paraphenalia on the planet.

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