Monday, February 25, 2008

Growing your blogs' value

Since the new math, shares in BlogShares are a very profitable way to increase your B$ wealth.

Cycling a mere B$200m blog can produce B$80b - B$100b profit. But you don't want your newly found or won blog to slip in value as it will decrease the amount you receive from cycling, and reduce the value passed on to your blog's outlinks, some of which you may also hold.

Therefore you should tend your blogs wisely, and weed their incoming and outgoing links to concentrate and build value.

By weeding, I mean checking whether each incoming and outgoing blog is alive, looking behind those links for other links of value and reindexing from the inside out, which will add value as you go. If you start your gardening and reindexing at the bottom of the list of incoming links you may well also find some very attractively price blogs which you can acquire along the way.

Additionally your weeding will clean and benefit the Blogshares index.

After the process is completed you will have a clearer picture of the future potential of your shares in your blog. You can increase value further by visiting Google and searching for more blogs which link into your blog to add to the game. eg link: in the google search bar.

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